7 Reasons Why Insurance Outsourcing Has Emerged As An Industry In Itself

The insurance sector is highly volatile, with ever fluctuating demand and the authorities bringing in new regulations every now and then. This propelled the emergence of new and advanced business models like insurance outsourcing, which offers the much-needed benefits of flexibility and agility.

Insurance BPOs serves as a pillar of strength to the Insurance companies who are bogged down by neck-to-neck competition, and rising operating costs. They support the insurance providers by streamlining the back-office operations, while bringing down operating costs.

The outsourcing partner carries out all the back-office tasks efficiently and in compliance with all the regulations. This allows the insurance company to give their undivided focus on growing their business and increase their profits.

Insurance outsourcing bring their expertise and advanced technology to the table. They use it to gain key customer insights, optimize the processing of claims, and making use of business intelligence to prevent fraudulent activities. This boosts the business performance of insurance companies.

7 Reasons Why Insurance Outsourcing Is Like a Parallel Industry

1. Exceptional Customer Service

Insurance outsourcing companies help the insurance providers deliver exceptional customer service. This includes giving the customers the flexibility to contact them any time through round the clock support. It also includes the freedom to get in touch with the customer care via any means (chat, email or phone) through multi-channel support.

Most insurance BPO’s provide support in multiple languages thus ensuring that the services of the insurance provider benefit a larger segment of people.

2. Smooth FNOL and Claims Settlement Services

Insurance companies have to handle the First Notice of Loss (FNOL) calls very carefully. If their call is put on long holds, or gets passed from agent to agent, the policy holder will feel dissatisfied with the service. Similarly, a slow claims settlement process, can also irk the customer and cause him or her to switch providers.

An insurance outsourcing company has a lot to contribute to both these processes. Their experienced agents will handle the FNOL calls, and process claims in the most efficient manner possible. They have the bandwidth to complete tasks like policy checking, coverage verification, etc swiftly. This leads to faster settlement of claims and happy customers.

3. Error Free Policy Issuance

Insurance providers sometimes fail to issue policies free from errors. Some of the errors include a wrong address, differing terms and conditions, missing signatures, etc.

Insurance outsourcing providers are experts at helping issue free from errors and non-ambiguous insurance policies. They are able to do this thanks to their streamlined way of working while doing tasks such as policy review, customer information verification, etc.

4. Seamless Change Management

When an insurance company undergoes a change such as a merger, acquiring a new company or even moving, it is challenging to ensure that the impact of this transition is not felt by the insurance customer.

But when you have an insurance outsourcing partner, your operations do not suffer as much, as they diligently take care of all your back-office tasks. Once the entire transition is complete you can end the contract and do it in-house.

5. Better Focus on Improving Core Competency

Insurance companies are better off letting insurance outsourcing companies handle day-to-day operations, while they focus in growing their business. Their top executives are free to dedicate their time to launching new products, improving customer value, exploring new markets etc.

6. Fast Policy Renewal

Policy renewal and Policy correction processes take a lot of time when the insurance provider chooses to do them online. Policy renewal entails a lot of groundwork, which they do not have time or staff for.

Insurance Outsourcing companies have cutting edge CRM technology to bring great efficiency to the process of issuing renewals. Tasks like alerting customers about the status of their renewals, or even accepting renewal requests from policy holders becomes very easy with this technology.

7. Efficient Policy Correctional Services

Insurance companies may struggle with policy correction, due to their internal team’s lack of expertise or time to do it. The benefits of trusting an insurance outsourcing company to do this task is faster turnaround time and better accuracy, thanks to the experienced professionals and standardized processes.

How We Assist You with Our Insurance Outsourcing Services

We serve insurance carriers, agencies and MGAs with our insurance outsourcing services. Our agents work round the clock to ensure that your customers get quality customer service. They also use their skills to help you settle claims, process renewal, etc faster and more efficiently.

Our services are aimed at safeguarding you from E&O claims, by stating the coverage as clearly as possible and by avoiding the usage of abbreviations.

Several insurance providers have benefitted from our well-defined workflows. We have helped them achieve maximum operational efficiency and increase their profitability.

Who We Are and What Makes Us an Expert?

This article is authored by the professionals at Insurance Back Office Pro. We have over 10 years of experience in providing insurance outsourcing services to reputed insurance providers. Our service include assistance in Loss Run Processing, Invoicing, Billing and Accounts, Policy Issuance, Claims Management, etc.

Vibhas Kulkarni

Vibhas Kulkarni, with a Master’s in Economics and an Insurance Advisory certification, loves to make complex insurance topics fun and easy for readers. He’s passionate about straightforward, engaging content and loves getting lost in a good fiction book.

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