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  • The client, a Texas-based insurance wholesaler, needed to streamline its Backoffice functions to control rising operational costs, reduce turnaround time, and improve customer satisfaction.
  • The solution involved a well-defined workflow, process automation, and cross-training employees.
  • The results included reduced submission time, increased accuracy, decreased operational costs, and business growth.
Customer Story

The client is a well-established insurance wholesaler in Texas, offering a variety of insurance services through an extensive network of independent agents and in-house underwriting.

The challenges arose due to volatile market conditions, leading to increased operation costs, prolonged processing times, backlog issues, and overburdened staff.

The client aimed to improve customer satisfaction and conversion rates by streamlining their Backoffice processes, gaining deeper visibility into operations, and balancing cost performance with product and service quality.

The Challenge
  • The client faced rising operational costs due to increased backlogs and longer processing times.
  • They needed a process overhaul for improved conversion rates and enhanced customer satisfaction.
  • There was a struggle to balance cost performance with quality to increase profit margins.
The Solution
  • An onsite manager facilitated knowledge transfer and implemented a streamlined workflow to eliminate overlapping processes and improve data handling.
  • An expert team handled Backoffice processes using automation tools like Vertafore AMS 360 and Infusionsoft for better application tracking and compliance.
  • Cross-training of employees resulted in reduced operational costs, faster turnaround, and improved customer experience.
The Result
  • The streamlined processes led to a 35% reduction in costs and increased submission accuracy by 90%.
  • A well-defined workflow cut down application and quote issuing time by 32%, boosting customer experience and business growth.
  • Improved process visibility fostered cost optimization, allowing the client to focus on core business aspects.

Partner with IBOP to Enhance Your Insurance Operations

Choose Insurance Backoffice Pro (IBOP) as your trusted partner for enhancing your insurance operations. With our proven expertise in managing renewals, mortgage changes, and efficient workflows, we've consistently improved efficiency and reduced costs for diverse insurance clients.

Contact us now to streamline your processes, improve quality, and boost productivity. Your success is our priority.

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